Father’s Day Memories
Do your children have an adorable portrait of their Dad playing with them? These special memories will be priceless one day and I want to help you capture them. I love making candid images of Dads having a tea party, playing a superhero or cuddling on a sofa with the family. Treat your whole family to a special session this June or July.
Family Reunions in No. California
Summer family reunions in Northern California are the perfect opportunity for extended family portraits. I visit your location for an hour to make casual, editorial portraits of the whole group together and special images of sibling groupings, grandparents with grandchildren, etc. Please inquire about your date. I offer coverage in the greater Bay Area, Tahoe, Napa, Carmel and beyond…
I look forward to connecting with everyone and happy summer!
Christina Hernandez | Nightingale Photography | nightingaleportraits.com [email protected] | 510-338-2997